All the Buildings in Los Angeles: That I’ve Drawn So Far
by James Gulliver Hancock
drawn New York, London, and Paris, artist Hancock turns his pen to his home
city, drawing everything from anonymous Victorians in Echo Park to the famed
Gehry House in Santa Monica. Hotels, shops, theaters, office buildings,
restaurants, and homes are captured in the artist’s exuberant style, making us
look twice at buildings we think we know so well, along with those we’ve driven
by without notice. Noting the architects and a few fun facts, Australian-born
Hancock suggests readers explore LA with pen and paper, because “there are
hidden gems in every city and drawing is a good way to make yourself stop and
look at them.”
Publishing (an imprint of Rizzoli New York), 2022, 64 pages, hardcover, $22.50.